Fat, Trans, Queer Podcast about Queer issues with an emphasis on Music, TV, media, sex, relationships, and ranting. Nonbinary transgender man with no real plan. I make playlists, I rant, I rave, I love and I hate. I also write on my blog-- daily. Check out madaboutit.blog and tune in for podcast episodes as they are available. beckywtghmai@gmail.com @madAboutItMAI https://www.facebook.com/madAboutItMAI @madAboutItMAI https://twitter.com/madAboutItMAI Instagram that I NEVER EVER USE @madAboutItMAI https://www.instagram.com/madAboutItMAI https://www.patreon.com/madaboutitpatreon Support MAI on patreon!

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
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I have six artist recommendations. Briefly discuss all of them. I have a playlist on spotify all setup.
Not a crazy amount of detail, mostly just recommending a bunch of queer music.
Episode One covers:
-Troye Sivan
-King Princess
-girl in red
-The Japanese House
-Hayley Kiyoko
-Kailee Morgue
-Kimya Dawson
Also check out this cover of Troye Sivan's "BITE" played on tuba, trombone and other shit.

Thursday Dec 27, 2018
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power -- Dreamworks/Netflix 2018 Reboot
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
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We dive deep into She-Ra. What a blessing to be able to watch this show. BEST SHOW EVER, AMIRITE!?
Seriously though, it has ruined all other activities for me. I can't really enjoy anything other than She-Ra anymore. Food is tasteless, music is meaningless, any kind of exercise is just going through the motions... all is lost unless I'm watching She-Ra. Wouldn't it be dope to be able to interview Noelle Stevenson? LMAO right thats supposed to be my job. Next time, I guess.
SHE'S REALLY GOOD AT TALKING, read it for proof
Love ya'll, stay tuned for the music series. I cannot even wait. My upgrades/updates are all through and all systems are go.

Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Final Fantasy Made Me Gay -- Featuring Special Guest Xtian
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
We go totally nuts with an hour and a half long episode about final fantasy. It's a general overview of the series, so don't get too mad about how much we leave out. There is TOO MUCH to cover in one episode. Way too much. It would be impossible.
We identified with this game growing up, and we know we can't be the only queers in the world that found solace in the Final Fantasy game series. It is soooo fantastic. It's not actually outwardly queer or gay in any direct sense, so don't be pissed at us for "queering" something you think isn't queer. It's our perspective on the series, as flaming queers.
The music on this episode was a bit of a daunting task. MIDI is not always best played on real instruments, but I did my best. If you love a certain final fantasy song and want to hear a cover, just leave it in the comments on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Youtube or Wordpress.
Follow me on Twitter!!! @beckywtghmai

Saturday Nov 10, 2018
Radical Feminists in the LGBT Community (TERF's in particular)
Saturday Nov 10, 2018
Saturday Nov 10, 2018
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We're going head first into TERF turf this week ya'll. We don't hold anything back, but we also aren't exactly going to burn down the smurf/terf village and ban them from society. Tune in to see my suggestions on what we should do with TERF's, why they're important, and what they symbolize for the gay community.
This is a particularly ranty one
Spoiler alert: I will offend most everyone with this episode. Except, of course, for rational people who don't hate others for sport. Not very friendly for those who get high off contempt and/or pity

Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Crash Pad Series Feminist Queer Porn Review
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
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We take a deep dive into the Crash Pad Series feminist queer porn site. This place is absolutely amazing! I've never had a better experience watching porn in my life. I that for a lot of you, that bar might be kind of low. Put your bar up as high as you want, this website is going to surpass your expectation x10.
Guaranteed to totally blow your mind. They have something for everyone, too, with heavenly spire and Point of Contact. The pink label is dope.
I focused on Crash Pad Series, because that's what I desperately wanted to see more of. It's also legendary in porn, groundbreaking and genre-defining. They've won lots of awards ect. blah blah
Take a peek here at their website, I cannot recommend it highly enough
Did I mention that you won't get any spam or pop-ups?
There are no ads. No banner ads, no dicks, no pop-up walls from hell.
You will not see a penis unless you seek it out. Very impressive
Its just not like other porn sites, ya'll. Please, seriously, I wouldn't suggest some whackass pornsite that didn't have some serious merit. The merit is so real. I'm obsessed.
Heavenly Spire Masculine Sensuality
Point of Contact source of Emerging Pornographers
Complete Feminist Porn Award Winners

Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Gender Dysphoria: The T, The Low Down, the Bidness
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
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Hey! We get super obsessed with gender dysphoria with this one. I barely talk about mtf, but in my defense I got super duper wormholed with the ftm youtubers (they are all SOOOOO mmmmm).
also Jammi Dodger? Like wut.
theres also of course Stef Sanjati
Also Riley J Dennis

Saturday Sep 08, 2018
Adventure Time Bubbline Femslash Review Love Festival I Adore Thee
Saturday Sep 08, 2018
Saturday Sep 08, 2018
BUBBLINE TIME can I get a Yas YAS. Becky holds nothing back as she expresses her undying love for both Princess Bubblegum aka/ Bonnibel and Marceline. Bass bitches gotta support eachother, you know wha' 'm sayin'?
Femslash love festival but tbh I legit never talk about femslashes at all or give any specific recommendations. I expect ya'll to take care of that yourselves. If you're into femslash, you already know where it is and how to find it. Lets be real, fuckers.
Also like legit people are pickier about femslash than they are about porn, so what I like is gonna be so irrelevant.
Here are a few of my favorite episodes of Adventure Time that feature Bubbline
- s2ep20: Go With Me
- s3ep10: What Was Missing
- s5ep29: Sky Witch
- s7ep2: Varmints
- s7ep6-13: all 8 episodes of Stakes
- s7ep27: Broke His Crown
Here is a link to a blog about Bubbline
ALL OF SEASON 1 AND 2 ARE A MUST WATCH FOR THE SAKE OF ART--especially "memories of boom boom mountain" omfg

Sunday Sep 02, 2018
Sunday Sep 02, 2018
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Becky here with some pro tips for some bro/ho nitwits. Similar 20 minute guide for SOLO orgasm coming soon. Everyone deserves to cum! Everyone is invited to the party! Lets all learn how to better understand our female partners' tits and bits. Its never too late or too early to start making women orgasm regularly with ease, I give you a 3-step guide to making your life a guaranteed festival of love.
1. Communication
2. Trust
3. Physical Tips
Episode goes in that order. Starts with a brief bit about CONSENT. CONSENT IS ESSENTIAL, YA'LL. MANDATORY, NO EXCEPTIONS. If she can't respond because she's too drunk or high? She can't consent. Check out this great article about consent from planned parenthood that covers all of the murky gray areas around consent. I don't think they're very murky, but unfortunately I think that people don't always value a woman's sexual experience as much as a man's. If that makes you mad, check out this episode thats all about having sex and feeling free! And making intimate emotional connections with your partner. Again, solo orgasm episode coming soon

Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Sex Stuff Part 1 of 6,969: Top, Bottom, Switch, or WTH!? LGBTQ Problems
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Hello All!! Tuning in with a new episode about sexual roles and labels like top, bottom, switch ect. This one is quite a bit of a rambler, and apologies to my butthole friend for oversharing on his life. He deserves better. Call in with your problems or I will have to ask you about them in person at the coffee shop. I know you're listening.

Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Bitterness, Resentment, Ranklement, oh my!!
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Hi All, today we're talking about bitterness. What is it? From whence does it hail? What do people say about it, what are their suggestions? How does anyone overcome bitterness? Is it possible? Or is bitterness just a personality flaw of some people? Are you mad yet? Right don't worry I would legit never make an episode bout how your personality is inherently bullshit ya'll WTF but anyway tune in CUZ MAYBE IT IS